Carnelian -Vitality and Creativity.


This beautiful hand-knotted mala is made of 8mm genuine carnelian beads. It is composed of 27 beads, 1/4 the size of a traditional mala, and is usually worn around the wrist.

Carnelian is connected to the lower 3 chakras especially the 2nd chakra. Like all fire stones, Carnelian infuses the body with life and light stimulating the tissues and organs. It is an ancient stone of fertility that helps boost your libido. Carnelian boosts vitality, stimulates warmth and heat and encourages creativity. It has been found to be especially useful in detoxifying those who battle with alcohol, drugs, and other unhelpful stimulants.

Included with your purchase is a beautiful meditation that takes you to the most subtle realms of creativity. You can practice it daily for 11 minutes.

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