Frequently asked questions.
What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan® is a technology to awaken your awareness and give you an experience of your highest consciousness. It is a natural unfolding of your own true nature which brings you happiness. It is a yoga for householders, for people who have to cope with the daily challenges and stresses of holding down jobs, raising families, and managing businesses. It is for everyone who wants the skills for living successfully in this day and age. In Kundalini Yoga the whole being is recognized. It works on the major bodily systems, organs and structures. It balances the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system, expands the lung capacity, and purifies the bloodstream. It gives you success and excellence in life by enabling you to harness the energy of your mind and emotions, so you can be in control instead of your thoughts and feelings controlling you. It perfects the finite self, and connects you to your infinite self, giving you an experience of your own soul.
How is Kundalini yoga different from other forms of yoga?
All yoga is a way to link the body and the mind. Kundalini may be considered a more spiritual practice than what you would find at a fitness gym. Though there are many physical benefits, the focus is internal. It can be both physically and mentally challenging, or it can be quite simple, depending on the kriya and where you’re at. It is absolutely appropriate for people of all ages and all levels of fitness. In KY, there is a belief that each individual possesses a reserve of dormant energy at the base of the spine. The aim of Kundalini Yoga is to awaken and stimulate this source of energy. This technology combines Breath, Postures, Mudra, Eye-focus, Mantra, Body Locks, and Meditation, in a precise, conscious manner to affect body, mind, and soul awakening you to your highest consciousness. Kundalini is a yoga for householders and is designed to work quickly, making it very practical for individuals with relationships and careers and for our fast-paced age.
I’ve heard Kundalini yoga can be dangerous. Is that true?
KY is really one of the safest forms of yoga that can be practiced. However, make sure you attend a class taught by a KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) certified teacher. It is important to “tune in” for every class using the Adi Mantra and close each session with an additional prayer which our instructors will guide you through. You don’t have to be a pretzel or in top athletic shape to practice this type of yoga. While other forms of yoga focus on body image KY focuses mainly on overall health benefits, on disease recovery, on body maintenance, on mental fitness, on living your own potential and excellence.
Is there a religious connection in this practice?
No. Kundalini Yoga is not a religion, yet it encourages everyone to get in touch with their own spiritual side. The goal is to get connected to your inner wisdom, which is your higher Self, and to see beyond the illusions of your day-to-day drama by stilling your mind of its constant chatter. When we call upon God, we call, not upon an external God, but upon that wisdom, or infinite intelligence, that is within each of us. Applying the technology to our bodies and minds has the effect of uplifting our spirit. The effects are profound and universal. Regular practice will make you a better Christian, Jew, Muslim or whatever you aspire to be.
I am new to kundalini yoga, how do I find a beginner’s class?
All classes are suitable for beginners. There will be an explanation of all mantras used and modifications provided for the exercises. Simply let the teacher know you are new to Kundalini Yoga.
How often should I practice Kundalini yoga?
The more the better. It is best to practice at least a few minutes of Kundalini daily. We recommend attending classes 3-4 times per week if possible, for the quickest transformation and to sustain the positive shifts in your awareness. Even practicing once a week will have a positive effect in your daily life.
Why do we chant? Do I have to?
In Kundalini the instructors do not single people out and offer corrections. The yoga is meant to be done at your own pace and comfort level. No one has to do anything they don’t want to do. Just be aware that chanting is not singing. You don’t have to have a great voice to enjoy and benefit from this practice. We chant to create a vibratory frequency in the body. Most kriyas involve a mantra. Don’t worry if you feel shy or don’t know the words. Just do your best to follow along and eventually it will come naturally. With practice, you may realize how good it feels to exercise your voice along with your body!
Why do we meditate?
Meditation is an important part of every class. Meditation helps us to become clear, neutral and joyful. In class, we generally sit for 3-11 minutes in meditation. Yogi Bhajan says: “Prayer is when the mind is one-pointed and man talks to Infinity. Meditation is when the mind becomes totally clean and receptive, and Infinity talks to the man.”
What should I bring to class?
A regular yoga mat is fine if you have one, and a blanket. Often, Kundalini Yogis will practice while sitting on a fluffy natural sheepskin rug. If you have one, great! It’s a good idea to bring a water bottle to keep you hydrated. We provide an assortment of tea and filtered water is available to refill your own bottle. We have blankets and pillows available as well and we rent yoga mats for $1.
Are there any Don’ts to this practice?
Kundalini energy does not mix with drugs or alcohol. Yogi Bhajan tells us that you are working with the power of the atom and KY can actually be detrimental if practiced under the influence. It’s best not to eat anything heavy for 2 hours prior to your class. A light snack such as fruit is good. Drink plenty of water. If you are pregnant or on your menstrual cycle inverted postures or heavy breathing with certain locks should be avoided. All exercises can be adapted so please consult with the teacher for guidance.
I am not flexible, can I still do yoga? Who can attend Kundalini Yoga classes?
Yes, anyone can do Kundalini Yoga regardless of experience, body shape or weight. We all start somewhere. You will be surprised how fast flexibility improves with practice. KY is great for beginners, for seniors, pre and post-natal. It is perfect for everyone as it has the flexibility to push past your comfort zone as well as offering the ability to go at your own pace. Each exercise has modifications so they can be enjoyed by anyone.
I am not feeling as stretched out at the end of Kundalini yoga as I do after practicing Hatha yoga.
Yoga is about getting the body, mind and spirit into balance. Kundalini yoga will bring flexibility accompanied by strength, but every class is different. Some kriyas focus on physical strength & stamina while others focus on specific body systems or balancing an emotional state of mind. Kundalini yoga simultaneously works inner flexibility as well as both physical strength and flexibility.
What is a Kundalini Community class?
Cosmic Flow Yoga was created for the community as a way to pay forward some of the blessings we have been given practicing this technology. A community class is by donation and open to anyone that wants to learn more about Kundalini or experience its benefits. The concept of “Seva” or selfless service is a part of Kundalini and the CFY teachers volunteer their time to teach this class.
What to expect in a Kundalini Yoga Class?
A Kundalini Yoga session lasts 60 to 90 minutes and includes the following elements: tuning in –warm ups and or pranayama - yoga set - relaxation - meditation & closing.
Tuning In: When we practice KY, we tune in by chanting Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo, (I bow to the infinite, divine teacher within me) calling on our Creator and connecting us to the teacher within.
Warm Up: A series of physical movements to prepare your body and mind for the work ahead. The warm up and subsequent kriya are generally done with your eyes closed as much as possible, to keep the focus inward and to avoid judgement and comparison.
Pranayama: Pranayama is a series of breathing exercises designed to calm our minds. Breath is life energy itself. When we learn how to breath consciously we learn to master all aspects of our lives.
Kriya: A kriya is an exact, dynamic combination of postures, breathing and sound- a complete systems that balances body, mind and soul, and increases mental clarity and physical vitality.
Meditation: Meditation brings awareness and control of our thoughts. Using mantra (sacred sound currents repeated aloud or silently) and mudra (sacred gestures) we can clear negative patterns and connect with our higher consciousness.
Relaxation: A time to allow the kriya to do its work by distributing the Prana stimulated by the exercises, rejuvenating the parasympathetic nervous system, and releasing rigid patterns in the muscles and blood flow. This is usually accompanied by the gong.
Closing prayer: We conclude by singing The Long Time Sun song and chanting ‘Sat Nam.’ This mantra integrates the effect of the discipline and reaffirms our authentic self. We then bow in gratitude to the teachings.
“May the longtime sun shine upon you, all love surround you and the pure light within you guide your way on.”